Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Fair Weathered Runner?

Okay, I admit it.  I am a fair weathered runner.  I would rather be inside, taking my favorite OrangeTheory Fitness classes with the treadmill, than be out in the cold and/or rain in the winter months.  Just a tip - taking back to back OrangeTheory classes match up with tough long runs any time for endurance!  And yes, I am a self-confessing OrangeTheory addict.

This week, the last full week in February - we have spring like temperatures here in the Atlanta area - up in the 70s.  It has been glorious. On Monday, I went with my best running friend to Athens to join her and her sister for a 11 mile long run before a half marathon next weekend.  While it was kind of gloomy outside that day - it was warm. I was jumping for joy because it was so wonderful to be out in a running skirt instead of tights, long sleeves, and gloves.

A bike ride on Diana the Wonder Woman Bike was my cross training for the week - a 12 mile bike ride on Thursday.  The goal was to do 10 miles at a relaxed pace of 12 miles per hour just to get the initial ride of the year out of the way.  My riding partner and I got behind some ladies out for a leisurely stroll of 9.5 - 11 mph for the first half of our ride - we just decided to join in and enjoy the relaxed pace.  Of course, we decided to add on an extra couple of miles at the turnaround so we did and pushed the pace on the return to an average of 15+ mph for the final 6 miles.

On Saturday, I did a 6.5 mile run with my Galloway training group. The weather was spectacular - about 60 degrees, partly cloudy, and a gentle breeze. Running has not felt like this in a while - it was relaxed, conversational, and therapeutic. It was the kind of run that made me want to go home and sign up for more races (which I did not) or buy new running clothes at Skirt Sports - it must be spring. My husband was happy that I decided to work in the yard instead - my wallet is too!

My first half marathon of 2018 is next weekend is in one of my favorite destination spots - Seaside, Florida!  I am planning on pushing my pace at the race, depending on the weather - let’s just see how this goes…race report is next!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Flourishing through fitness - 2018 Edition

Do you have big goals for 2018?  It has been said - if your goals don’t scare you, they are not big enough.  Do your goals scare you for this coming year?

I’ve been spending some time this last few weeks thinking about my fitness goals for 2018 - most of my goals this year are focused around gaining speed at shorter distances, doing an olympic distance triathlon, and adding a few states to my 50 races in 50 states goal.  I do have to say...my goals scare me.

My big fitness goals for 2018?

A Sub-30 minute 5K
Meet or beat my prior Half Marathon PR of 2:22
Finish an Olympic Distance Triathlon standing up and smiling
Add Colorado and Maine to the 50 races in 50 states, that will make 9 out of 50 complete.

My races for 2018:

3/2;2018:  Seaside School Half Marathon in Seaside, Florida
4/21/2018: Sweetwater 420 Fest 5K. Atlanta, GA
6/3/2018: Skirt Sports 13er, Louisville, Colorado
6/16/2018:  Callaway Gardens Sprint Triathlon
8/25/2018:  Callaway Gardens Olympic Distance Triathlon
10/14/2018: Mount Desert Island Half Marathon in Bar Harbor, Maine

I needed this reminder to help me focus in on what I need to do this year -

Thanks to @shelleygiglio for posting this on her instagram.  It's okay to have big goals - but I have to work for it!  #REALwomenmove

So excited to get started and represent!  What are your big goals for the year? What do you have planned?

Friday, February 9, 2018

I will flourish here - a journey begins

We all have choices about how we are going to move forward with life and its challenges…. How do you do it?

I don’t know about you - but I have seriously struggled.  This 54 year old female has floundered around with life's ups and downs with feelings of self doubt, weight management, and an eating disorder while pretending that everything was fine to those around me.

2017 was a year of change for me. I chose to do things differently with everything from my mindset,  to the way I eat, and the way I train.  I lost 30 pounds, changed my self talk, and was able to improve my best marathon time by over 42 minutes. This was the beginning.  And, in 2018, I am on a journey to continue, to flourish...

Flourish is defined by Merriam-Webster.com as a verb meaning to grow luxuriantly: or to thrive. A plant grows through seasons - it is planted or grows new growth in the spring, produces its fruit or blossoms in the summer, prepares for cold in the fall, and dies back in the winter.  The plants grow more heartily when given fertilizer, water, and adequate sunlight.  Occasionally though, a plant must be pruned in order to grow to be its best - such as an apple tree that must be trimmed in order to flourish and bear fruit each season.

To flourish, we, as humans, are much like plants.  Our life experiences enrich us, perhaps “prune” us, and help us to grow stronger as we continue our journey in life. We are where we are for a reason -- it could be for a short season, or could be for a lifetime.  We have choices about how we grow -- what we learn in each and every challenge that we face.

I am planted here … I am choosing to grow, to learn, to absorb what I can from this season I am in.  The blog I am starting is to document this journey about life experiences, blessings and challenges - how they help me to flourish right where I am. A warning - a lot of my life journey is focused on running and fitness - there will be a lot of talk about that and the adventures my friends talk me into.

My goal in sharing with you is that it keeps me accountable to both you and me.  I hope that you will join me in my blogging journey as the flourishing begins….