Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Flourishing through fitness - 2018 Edition

Do you have big goals for 2018?  It has been said - if your goals don’t scare you, they are not big enough.  Do your goals scare you for this coming year?

I’ve been spending some time this last few weeks thinking about my fitness goals for 2018 - most of my goals this year are focused around gaining speed at shorter distances, doing an olympic distance triathlon, and adding a few states to my 50 races in 50 states goal.  I do have to goals scare me.

My big fitness goals for 2018?

A Sub-30 minute 5K
Meet or beat my prior Half Marathon PR of 2:22
Finish an Olympic Distance Triathlon standing up and smiling
Add Colorado and Maine to the 50 races in 50 states, that will make 9 out of 50 complete.

My races for 2018:

3/2;2018:  Seaside School Half Marathon in Seaside, Florida
4/21/2018: Sweetwater 420 Fest 5K. Atlanta, GA
6/3/2018: Skirt Sports 13er, Louisville, Colorado
6/16/2018:  Callaway Gardens Sprint Triathlon
8/25/2018:  Callaway Gardens Olympic Distance Triathlon
10/14/2018: Mount Desert Island Half Marathon in Bar Harbor, Maine

I needed this reminder to help me focus in on what I need to do this year -

Thanks to @shelleygiglio for posting this on her instagram.  It's okay to have big goals - but I have to work for it!  #REALwomenmove

So excited to get started and represent!  What are your big goals for the year? What do you have planned?


  1. Sounds like you've got some great goals for the year! I think it's great to have big goals that scare you, it challenges us. :)
    For me, I plan on working on my overall health and fitness a lot. No marathons in 2018, so half marathons are my "big" races for now.

  2. Looks like a great race season ahead! Happy running :)

  3. Triathlons looks like so much fun. Great race schedule!
