Monday, March 12, 2018

Why Running?

I’m not sure what the reason is - but I have thought a lot about this lately.  Why do I run, why did I start running?

Truth is - I am really not sure why I started running. I was not athletic growing up. In school, I was always one of the last few kids chosen to be on a team in PE class or for games at recess. My mother's friends and extended family described me as "pudgy" or "chubby."  This fueled a life long obsession with my weight, yo-yo dieting, and comparing myself to others.

I know in the beginning of 2009 I was sick of the way I looked, the way I thought, and the way I felt. A family wedding was coming up so I did the typical thing - I hired a personal trainer to help me lose weight and to help me get in better shape. Running was not, even randomly, in my thoughts of getting fit.  Even 10 minutes on the Arc Trainer seemed as a lifetime.

And, then it happened.  My friend dared, yes DARED me, to run a 5K that she was helping direct.  I had NEVER run a race in my life for any reason - including having anyone chase me. I couldn’t back down from a dare, especially when I was trying to become more “fit.”

It was March 2009 on a rainy, cold day - I ran trail 5K at a local park, and, I didn’t die. It was honestly not half bad.  I didn’t train for the race other than what I had been doing with the personal trainer.  My time for the race was 42:41 - an okay pace for my first 5K I thought.  And, so, it began.  I ran several more 5K’s and worked on getting my times down. I continued to run more and more.  I...was...hooked.

At the end of the first summer of running, I signed up for a half marathon. I was invigorated by the training - I felt alive and very positive about what I was doing. It was the first time I had felt this way in many years.  My first half marathon was the 13.1 Marathon Atlanta with a time of 2:36.

First Half Marathon - 13.1 Marathon Atlanta
October 2009
I wondered if I could run a marathon. I asked my husband’s opinion - he told me I couldn’t. I was devastated, and I set out to prove him wrong. I signed up for the 2010 Disney Marathon and marathon training began.

First Marathon - 2010 Walt Disney World Marathon
January 2010
I finished the 2010 Walt DisneyWorld Marathon with a time of 5:56.  The bug had officially bitten - I did a marathon about 8 weeks later - the 2010 ING Georgia Marathon with an improved time of 5:45.

ING Georgia Marathon
March 2010
There have been 8 other marathons, 31 other half marathons, and a 50k since the first two marathons.  I used to tell people I ran to set a better example for my kids or to inspire others.  The truth is the reason I run is pretty selfish.  I run to find me. I run to find that calm space inside myself, to think, and to solve all the world’s problems. I run to be with my tribe who are mostly runners.  I became an RRCA Certified Running Coach to help others find their why - to find themselves through running.

2018 is bringing me into a different space.  I am finding new confidence in my running and myself thanks in part to OrangeTheory Fitness (@otfdouglasville) for the fitness transformation of the last 15 months and the loss of 30 pounds. I was blessed to be chosen to be a Skirt Sports Ambassador for 2018 and also part of Team Zensah 2018.  Running continues to take me on adventures that I never  imagined. Running is a gift, a blessing, and it continues to be a great teacher.

Are you considering going for a run? If you want an adventure that will take you to new places, put on those running shoes, head out for a walk, and maybe a run.  The hardest step is the first one.


  1. What a great running journey! Congrats on all of your accomplishments!

    1. It has been a wonderful journey! Thank you for your kind words!

  2. I love reading your story. How inspiring! A lot of runners say one and done, but they get the running bug. The running community can be so motivated!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! It is very easy to catch the running bug!

  3. Wow! What an incredible transformation!

    I get it too -- my story has similarities to yours. Only I still haven't run a marathon -- but I am going further and trying an 18 mile race this summer. At least I hope so, I was sidelined by illness for a while.

    1. Running longer distance helps you know yourself so much better. Enjoy the journey to 18 miles - looking forward to hearing your story! Thank you for your kind words on my blog!
